Specialisti za kavo


Stow Coffee Roasters / Dogodki  / Café Inmaculada & Finca Monteverde

Café Inmaculada & Finca Monteverde

Kavarna Inmaculada in Finca Monteverde v kavarni Stow. 28. junij, 15.00 – 20.00

Gre za najbolj ekskluzivni dogodek kave v zgodovini Slovenije. Kavarna Stow bo v sodelovanju s Colombian Spirit gostila kavarne Café Inmaculada in Finca Monteverde.

Café Inmaculada s svojo prvo in najbolj iskano kavo na svetu Coffea Eugenioides podira vse rekorde. Diego Campos je s njihovo kavo osvojil naslov svetovnega prvaka barista, baristi po vsem svetu pa zmagujejo na državnih prvenstvih.

Cafe Inmaculada je koncept štirih kmetij El Jardin, Las Nubes, Monserrat in Inmaculada. Na teh kmetijah so posajene nekatere najbolj redke in posebne kave, kot so Rume Sudan, Eugenoides, Laurina, Gesha, Maragesha.

Srečanje s proizvajalci kave Café Inmaculada in Finca Monteverde je idealna priložnost za spoznavanje trenutno najbolj ekskluzivnih kav na svetu.

Finca Monteverde je kmetija s 15 hektarji, ki goji edinstveno paleto sort kave, kot sta rdeča in rumena burbonka, vključno z eksotičnimi sortami Geisha, Wush-Wush in Mocha. Kmetija pripada Gildardu Gutiérrezu, čigar družina tu goji kavo že več kot 70 let.

Rastline kave rastejo v Finca Monteverde v regiji Tolima na nadmorski višini 1750-1900 m. V Finca Monteverde iz leta v leto izboljšujejo svoje tehnike fermentacije in diferencirane postopke. Njihovi sorti Gesha in Wush Wush sta svetovno znani.

Vsekakor je dogodek ob kavi, ki ga ne želite zamuditi.

Zaradi omejenega števila udeležencev so obvezne predhodne rezervacije.

Prijave: peter@stow.si ali +386 70 609 596

Café Inmaculada and Finca Monteverde in the Stow Café. June 28, 15:00 – 20:00

It is the most exclusive coffee event in the history of Slovenia. The Stow Café will host coffee makers Café Inmaculada and Finca Monteverde in collaboration with Colombian Spirit.

Café Inmaculada with its first and most sought-after coffee in the world Coffea Eugenioides breaks all records. With their coffee, Diego Campos has won the World Barista Championship title, and baristas around the world are winning national championships.

Cafe Inmaculada is a concept of four farms El Jardin, Las Nubes, Monserrat and Inmaculada. On these farms are planted some of the rarest and special coffees, such as Rume Sudan, Eugenoides, Laurina, Gesha, Maragesha.

Meeting coffee producers Café Inmaculada and Finca Monteverde is an ideal opportunity to get to know the world’s most exclusive coffees at the moment.

Finca Monteverde is a 15-hectare farm that cultivates a unique range of coffee varieties like Red and Yellow Bourbon including exotic varieties Geisha, Wush-Wush, and Mocha. The farm belongs to Gildardo Gutiérrez, whose family has been cultivating coffee here for more than 70 years.

Coffee plants grow at Finca Monteverde in Tolima region at 1750-1900 mt above sea level. At Finca Monteverde improving their fermentation techniques and differentiated processes year by year. Their Gesha and Wush Wush varieties are world known.

It’s definitely a coffee event you don’t want to miss.

Advance reservations are required due to the limited number of participants.

Applications: peter@stow.si or +386 70 609 596