Specialisti za kavo



Stow Coffee Roasters / CARMEN ESTATE CASCARA 200G



Profil okusa

sadni punč, jagode, sladka limona

Carmen Estate cascara ima prijeten sadno sladek in zelo uravnotežen profil okusa s polnim telesom. Prevladuje okus sadnega punča, jagod in sladke limone.

Flavour profile

fruit punch, berries, sweet lemon

Carmen Estate cascara has a pleasant fruity sweet and very balanced flavor profile with a full body. The taste of fruit punch, strawberries and sweet lemon predominates.

Šifra CASCARA3 Category: Tag:


Cascara so lupine kavnih češenj, iz katerih se pripravi sadni aromatični poparek. Carmen Estate se nahaja v delu doline Volcan ob vznožju vulkana Baru v Panami, blizu regije Boquete. Dolina velja za najpomembnejšo regijo za pridelavo najkakovostnejše kave v Panami zaradi svoje nadmorske višine, goste vegetacije, vulkanske zemlje in raznolike mikroklime. Hladne noči brez zmrzali skupaj s suhimi sončnimi dnevi ustvarjajo idealne pogoje za gojenje kave. Carmen Estate proizvede približno 1200 vreč po 60kg surove kave letno; gojijo sorte catuai, caturra, typica in geisha.

Obiranje kave poteka od decembra do marca, ročno pa jo pobirajo Nobesi, staroselci Paname. Njihova kava je običajno mokro (prana) obdelana in na soncu ali mehansko posušena na kmetiji. Medtem ko vedno več pridelajo tudi naravno obdelane kave, so njihove “kave s podpisom” še vedno tradicionalne mokro procesirane sorte. Carlos, ki je lastnik posestva izvaja stroge kmetijske in okoljske standarde. Več kot polovico kmetije obdajajo gozdne površine z avtohtonimi drevesi, ki naravno senčijo kavo, prav tako pa ima kmetija certifikat s strani Rainforest Alliance.

Cascara are peels made from coffee cherries husk from which a fruit aromatic infusion is prepared. Carmen Estate cascara has a pleasant fruity sweet and very balanced flavor profile with a full body. The taste of tropical fruit is rounded off by the pleasant sweetness of the honey.

Carmen Estate is located in the Volcan Valley part of the Baru Volcano region of Panama, near Boquete. The valley is considered the most important coffee growing region in Panama due to its elevation, dense vegetation, volcanic soil and diverse micro-climates. The cool, frost-free nights coupled with dry, sunny days create ideal coffee growing conditions. The farm’s coffee is grown at an altitude of 5,900 feet. Carmen Estate produces about 1200 bags of green coffee annually; they grow catuai, caturra, typica and geisha varietals.

It is harvested from December through March and hand picked by the Nobes, the indigenous people of Panama. Their coffee is usually wet (washed) processed and sun or mechanically dried on the farm. While they have become adept at natural processing, their “signature coffees” are still washed traditional varieties. Carlos practices strict agricultural and environmental standards; the farm is more than half forested by native trees, which naturally shade the coffee and it is certified by the Rainforest Alliance.

Dodatne informacije







Nadmorska višina

1800 m


Carmen Estate


volcan, panama


Cascara: 10g
Voda: 300g (90°C)
Čas: 4-6 minut

Cascara: 200g
Voda: 2000g (6-20°C)
Čas: 12 – 24 ur